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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Meditative Music of Pandit Jasraj

An exponent of the Mewati tradition which originated with the court musicians of the former princely states of Jodhpur and Bhopal, Pandit Jasraj has enriched his inheritance with a sweet and mellifluous voice, which is his natural endowment, and a prodigious and rigorous discipline, which is his act of will.

It was his eldest brother, Pandit Motiram, who was Pandit Jasrajs Guru, in the true sense of that word, and who imparted to the young aspirant the distinctive " Kan Gyaki" style oaf the Mewati tradition. To these assiduous schools, Pandit Jasraj adds a native imagination, sensitivity and spontaneity.

The unhurried unfolding of his alap, the tapestry of his bol-taan, his playful sargam, and the architecture of his taan patterns, make of Pandit Jasraj one of the most felicitous performers of recent times. If his classical music is engrossing, his devotional music takes the listener God Intoxicated.

Pandit Jasraj has widely traveled and performed in every major concert hall in the U.S., Europe and UK. He has inspired many in the younger generation to become musicians.

(01) [Pandit Jasraj] Raga Ahir Bhairav
(02) [Pandit Jasraj] Raga Darbari

Pandit Jasraj (Composer, Performer)
Zakir Hussain (Performer)

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