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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Brain Sync Super Pack Collection

Brain Sync CDs have been clinically tested with a record-breaking 95% success rate and are offered to patients at America's most prestigious cancer treatment hospitals, Memorial Sloan Kettering and Dana Farber.

EEG studies conducted at Harvard Body Mind Medical School and UCLA concluded that our exclusive Brain Wave Audio Technology® prompts brain activity into extraordinary body-mind states.

After almost two decades of clinical research, Brain Sync is revealing itself to be one of the world's greatest breakthroughs in healing and mind expansion.

With this technology you can reach states of being that directly nurture your sense of self, your creativity, and the dynamic expression of your power. These are states that will enhance your ability to give and receive love, direct your will to achieve new goals, and generate vibrant states of health and well being.

New Technology for Meditation

Until recently, entering extraordinary states of heightened receptivity and peak performance has been attained predominantly by only a disciplined few, practicing ancient techniques such as meditation, chanting, yoga, and newly revamped versions of the mystical traditions - for example, progressive relaxation, auto-suggestion, hypnosis, and biofeedback. These techniques do work. But they take long periods of practice, discipline, and sometimes a leap of faith. It is all too easy to become impatient and give up long before producing positive results.

Now there is an easier pathway – a new technology – that can guide you directly into those beneficial states of deep meditation and heightened receptivity. With this technology, you can leverage the powers of your mind-body connection to attain optimal mental and physical performance. This new path uses sound waves that carry listeners into the higher frequencies of consciousness where profound transformations take place.


Increase charisma
Become more available for love
Exude a powerful inner-magnetism

How you feel about yourself produces a radiant energy field that influences how others respond to you. Recent research has revealed that the electro-magnetic waves emitted from the heart are sixty times more powerful than those of the brain. Furthermore these waves can be measured ten feet from the body, and are instantly received and registered by those around you. When you feel good about yourself, when you appreciate who you are, people are attracted to you. With subliminal brain wave technology, your mind relaxes into heightened states of receptivity where messages of deep self-appreciation are effortlessly absorbed. As your heart opens to exude more personal joy, your inner magnetism expands to attract the love you desire.

This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the power of your subconscious because it incorporates brain wave frequencies that induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude and "self talk" that dramatically increases your personal magnetism.

This recording contains the following subliminal messages on both tracks:

• Yes! I can be fulfilled
• I love myself, I appreciate myself
• I feel connected to the power of love in my life
• I yearn for love with total self-appreciation
• I let my desire activate every part of my being
• I let my heart be touched, I let the magic flow
• I awaken to the touch of love
• My love attracts equal and balanced love
• I am open and available, passionate and full
• I am receiving love, love comes to me
• I feel turned on, I can be touched
• Every cell of my body exudes beauty and love
• This love that is mine creates miracles in my world
• I feel the movement of love in all of my life
• Yes! I can love and be loved
• Joy and beauty fill my life
• My heart is open, my heart is wise and mature
• I feel my love attracting love
• I attract the love I desire
• I rest in the arms of love


Increase health and vitality
Recharge and refresh your brain
Obtain greater clarity and insight
Expand creativity and intuition

For centuries secret techniques for awakening Kundalini have been taught in ashrams and Tantric mystery schools. Now you can practice these powerful meditation techniques in the privacy and comfort of your own home. You simply lie back, relax and follow the guidance. With only 30 minutes a day of practice, you'll feel the creative life force energy that is called Kundalini begin to flow and regenerate the very core of your self.

In Eastern traditions, Kundalini is the name for the extraordinary powerhouse of cosmic energy that resides within you. According to many respected researchers, it is the source from which all creativity, genius, and psychic gifts spring. Other known benefits of Kundalini meditation are increased sexual energy, heightened creativity and greater vitality. When Kundalini awakens, your entire life will awaken with insights, energy and creativity. As Kundalini travels upward through the chakra system it removes inner and outer obstacles to living your highest potential.

In this remarkable program, Theta waves are harmonically layered in music based on ancient Tantric traditions to open the flow of energy to your chakras. As you experience the gifts Kundalini brings, your life will flourish with opportunities to enjoy and express more of who you really are.


Improve memory and concentration
Initiate “Big Picture” thinking
Expand perception
Gain clarity of thought

Your mind is cluttered and no matter how hard you try to focus or find answers, nothing flows easily. Perhaps you know that you’re using only a small portion of your mental capacity, but you can’t seem to make the breakthroughs you want. Or you’re swamped with new material and information you need to absorb and assimilate quickly. No worries.

Slip on your headphones, close your eyes and let the rich resonant tones of harmonically layered frequencies effortlessly guide you into the flow state of expanded consciousness. Frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You can think and perceive with crystal clarity. You feel invigorated as fresh neural pathways are opened to effortlessly access more of your untapped ability to learn, recall and create new ideas.


Improve memory & concentration
Absorb, retain, and recall information
Expand awareness and increase creativity

Do you ever wonder why as children we learn more in our first few years of life? The answer lies in the mysterious and elusive Theta brain wave state. Up until the age of six, children are predominantly in Theta. This frequency allows the brain to absorb and retain massive amounts of information that gets stored in long-term memory. You can restore this magical ability through daily Theta brain wave training.

When you need to study and assimilate new information, slip on your headphones, relax and listen to Deep Learning. Within minutes, memory receptors are gently stimulated as precision-engineered frequencies shift your brain into perfect balance. In this state of heightened receptivity, the clarity and speed with which you can concentrate, study, and integrate and store information is profoundly improved. Theta brain waves are associated with long-term-potentiation.

Use Deep Learning For:

• Super learning
• Receiving inner direction and insights
• Self-hypnosis
• Behavior modification
• Improving Memory

Instructions for listening:

Listen to this program daily for either thirty or sixty minutes a day to train your brain to develop more Theta activity. Regular use will enhance overall mental performance.

Here are three ways to use Deep Learning. Experiment to explore which way works best for you and your needs.

1. Thirty minutes before studying, lie down, close your eyes and listen to Deep Learning. This will prepare your brain for absorbing new information.

2. Or, listen to Deep Learning while you study.

3. Listen to Deep Learning to relax, unwind or meditate.

After regular use you’ll notice a dramatic increase in your ability to retain and retrieve information.

What You Can Expect:

• Increased creativity
• Improved memory
• Enhanced ability to focus and concentrate
• Greater clarity of thought
• Expanded awareness


Overcome fear and self-doubt
Increase self-esteem and confidence
Deepen your spiritual connection
Align with your higher power

Do you sometimes feel that you have to do it all alone? Or, do fears and doubts get in the way of trying something new? Relax. Slip on your headphones and take an inner journey that strengthens belief and trust in yourself.

This guided meditation gently releases fear and cultivates natural ease and confidence. You’ll feel empowered to act from your purest intentions, freely and without fear. Through deep faith in yourself, you’ll discover your innate power to co-create a new reality—a reality that fulfills your innermost needs.


Generate nourishing states of well-being
Obtain clarity and insight
Experience Theta meditation

You want to learn to meditate, but your mind is busy, and it’s difficult to settle down and relax. No worries. Just slip on your headphones and let soothing Theta waves calm your nervous system and quiet your mind. This best-selling Brain Sync classic has helped hundreds of thousands of people to explore and experience meditation.

You are guided to create an inner sanctuary, a place where you can go to regenerate the very core of your self. Your body begins to relax as your mind transcends daily clutter. Negative thoughts are dramatically swept away by brilliant flashes of insight and understanding. You may feel as though you are gliding on beams of light as your soul soars to the highest ethers of universal knowledge and creativity.

More Benefits
Feelings of wholeness and well-being. Oneness with the cosmos. Timelessness. Vivid imagery. Higher creativity. Greater clarity of thought, increased creativity, more peaceful states of mind, enhanced ability to concentrate.

Experience more joy and freedom
Forgive yourself and others
Discover newfound energy

You no longer need to be burdened by regret, shame or responsibility.These feelings only sabotage your happiness, and your ability to make positive choices in your life. Most guilt is unhealthy; it gets in the way of trusting your instincts, and it stops you from being true to yourself and others.

Subliminal messages are woven with theta waves to induce states of deep relaxation; here your subconscious mind is most receptive to change. Theta has been identified as the ideal state for learning, and unlearning. As you listen daily, fears and worries will fade and you’ll discover the liberating joy of release that comes from living truly guilt free. The messages will be received by your subconscious where they will support you in experiencing more joy, happiness and personal fulfillment in your life.

This recording contains the following subliminal messages:

• I am innocent
• I make good decisions
• I trust myself
• I am doing what I need to do
• I am good enough
• I accept life
• I surrender to appreciation
• I believe in myself
• I accept circumstances as they are
• I love myself
• I am free
• My actions are in harmony with higher purpose
• I release the past and I embrace the present
• I forgive myself
• I forgive everyone
• I approve of myself
• I know my boundaries
• I respect the boundaries of others
• I trust my inner wisdom to know the truth
• I use my power wisely
• I am safe and secure
• I am willing to change

This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways.

Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious.

For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow your self to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.


Improve memory
Increase concentration
Learn quicker and retain more

When you need to study, cram, or sharpen your concentration for peak mental performance, Super Learning is the sound solution. Precision-engineered frequencies are harmonically layered in soothing music. They guide your brain activity into a hyper-receptive state, where trigger phrases and key words are received by the subconscious. As both hemispheres of the brain move into perfect balance, frustrating mental blocks dissolve. You enter a flow state of relaxed awareness where new information is easily absorbed and stored in long-term memory.

This Brain Wave Subliminal activates the unlimited power of your learning abilities. Theta frequencies induce states of hyper-receptivity to subliminal messages. Here, a new set of self-empowering beliefs are firmly imprinted in the unconscious. You'll notice a remarkable change in attitude that dramatically improves your ability to learn, recall, and access new ideas.

This recording contains the following subliminal messages:

• Learning is easy, I am very smart
• I remember effortlessly
• My mental potential is unlimited
• I can integrate massive amounts of information
• I am brilliant, I enjoy learning
• I am learning all the time
• I absorb information effortlessly
• I am confident of my abilities
• I feel intelligent, I am intelligent
• My mind works perfectly
• I get all the help I need
• I concentrate easily, I stay focused
• I have an excellent memory
• I am clear and lucid
• My mind is organized
• I am expanding my horizons with new knowledge
• I am relaxed, alert, and aware
• I am focused, centered, and clear
• I activate my mental potential
• My life is enriched with knowledge

This Brain Wave Subliminal has two tracks; both contain the exact same subliminal messages. You can listen two ways.

Listen to both tracks anywhere or anytime over your stereo system. While you won’t consciously “hear” the subliminal messages, they will be received and absorbed by your subconscious.

For deeper subconscious programming, and to receive the full benefits of Brain Wave Therapy, listen to track 2 (the one without the piano overlay) with headphones at a time and place when you will not be disturbed. Allow yourself to simply drift and relax. You might even fall asleep and take a refreshing nap. Whether you fall asleep while listening or not, theta brain wave frequencies will induce heightened receptivity to the messages. Theta brain waves have been identified as essential to learning and storing information in long-term memory. Theta is the ideal state for subconscious reprogramming.


Increase your attracting force
Accelerate manifestation
Attract what you need and desire

The Secret imparts the sacred truths spiritual masters have taught for millennia. The secret is real and powerful. It starts by changing your belief system, slowly, subtly and gently while you sleep. As you are lulled into blissful slumber, The Secret is whispered into your ears--first audibly, and then just below the level of consciousness.

Over days and weeks to come, your conscious and your subconscious mind will accept The Secret as true. Without knowing how or why, everything you need and desire will come to you through communing with the Universal Mind. Over the last half century, Science is proving the existence of the Universal Mind, and now The Secret is yours to use. When you know and accept the secret, you have the secret to everything: unlimited health, abundance, success and joy.

With this program you will overcome limiting, outmoded beliefs that have hindered your ability to create the life you’ve always wanted. While theta and delta waves gently lull you to sleep, The Secret meditation re-programs your mind with new knowledge and beliefs that unleash your power to create a new reality –a reality that fulfills your deepest needs and desires.

Through nightly listening, your subconscious will accept the information it receives as true. When this happens, what you need and desire comes to you. And there’s nothing you need to do except relax and listen. If you fall asleep while listening, that's even better; the messages are still absorbed into your subconscious. The results are profound.
DownloadPart 1 | Part 2

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